Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rob Plevin's Videos! (2013)

This is a series of videos provided by the experienced teacher Rob Plevin. In his videos, Plevin gives teachers many useful and interesting pieces of advice on the issue of classroom management. To be more specific, his videos are oriented to provide teachers with some guidance when working with "noisy students." I invite you to watch these videos; they offer some "often forgotten but very effective" strategies to cope with what some teachers call "difficult students."

Video #1:  
Plevin tells us about his own experience dealing with "noisy students" when he started working as a teacher, and he gives us some light on such a "war field." Trust me! There are many teachers who have lived what you may be living!

Video #2: 
Plevin provides us with a set of steps to implement in order of getting students into the classroom to start working. Dealing with undisciplined students is a tough situation; nonetheless, this professor shows us the path to follow to get students working and follow our instructions.

Video #3:
What Can I Do to Calm them Down? That's something all teachers ask themselves at some point of their lives.Well, on this video, Plevin explains a "magic trick" to get your students' attention and work on their discipline. On the other hand, this ingenious teacher presents his "Take Control of the Noisy Class" collection in case you want to have all those valuable tips at hand. Let's take a look at this!

Dealing with Discipline! An article by Prodromou and Clandfield (2006)

In their article "Dealing with Discipline," Prodromou and Clandfield (2006) discuss vital aspects to consider regarding the activities we use during class and their influence on students' behavior. Take some minutes to read such article; you can find some useful tricks to call your students' attention and help them to concentrate while the lesson progresses.

What you'll find in this section is a brief summary of the article's main ideas!